Notice of Pet Rule Violation
If the PHA determines on the basis of objective facts, supported by written statements, that the resident has violated a rule governing the keeping of pets, the PHA will serve a written notice to the resident of the rule violation. This will be accomplished by first-class mail or by serving a copy of the notice on any adult answering the door at the resident's leased dwelling unit. If no adult responds, the PHA will place the notice under or through the door or attach the notice to the door.
The notice of pet rule violation will be in writing and will:
- Contain a brief statement of the factual basis for the determination and the pet rule or rules alleged to be violated;
- State that the resident has ten (10) calendar days from the effective date the notice was served to correct the violation (including in appropriate circumstances, removal of the pet) or to make a written request for a meeting to discuss the violation;
- State that the resident is entitled to be accompanied by another person of his or her choice at the meeting; and
- State that the resident's failure to correct the violation, to request a meeting, or to appear at a requested meeting may result in the initiation of procedures to have the pet removed, to terminate the resident's dwelling lease, or both.